Detection times for THC Marijuana Cannabis, puff, spliff or hash. Casual use 2-14 days heavy use up to 30 days.
The amount of time drugs stay in the body depends on many factors such as, the amount of the drug taken, its strength, purity, the body weight of the person being tested and rate of metabolism, and whether they are a casual user or a long term user.
The drug tests come individually foil wrapped and results are ready in 5 minutes.
How to do the test:
To perform the test you will need a fresh urine sample , this should be cooled to room temperature (approx 20 minutes is adequate) and a watch or timer.
Single cannabis drug strips , are simple & easy to use and interpret. Simply dip the strip in the urine sample to the correct level and then read the result after 5 minutes.
Simple- Dip in urine sample - Wait 5 minutes - Read results
How to interpret the results:
Negative: Two colored lines appear adjacent to each other in the result window. This indicates that no drug above the cut-off level has been detected. The test line intensity may be any shade of pink and weaker or stronger than that of the control line.
Positive: Only one colored line appears in the control region (C). No test line appears in the test region (T).
Invalid: If no control line appears in the result window, the test should be considered void. Improper testing procedures, sample tampering or deterioration of reagents probably occurred
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